
Lose 7 Pounds and Fit Into Your Jeans

Moms, the countdown to 2017 has begun and it’s going to be a mad dash to the finish line!  The upcoming holiday rush will have most of us burning the candle at both ends.  My prayer for you during this season is that you will embrace the hustle and bustle, and have a healthy holiday season.

Is it really possible to have a healthy holiday season? Yes!  I believe that if you stay disciplined to exercise and make healthy nutritional choices, you will achieve!

How can you stay disciplined to exercise? 

Find an accountability group and show up (even when you don’t feel like it)!  Ask any of the 15 moms that just finished our 30-minute boot camp how they did it, and let them be your inspiration.  This journey started as a 28-day challenge, and because of their hard work, discipline and results, we extended the boot camp for an additional 4-weeks!  Why? Because when you are disciplined to exercise, it becomes habitual and you like how you feel and how you look. Surround yourself with people that can share testimonies like this with you:

GREAT workout this morning – thank you!! My muscles are tired, but not sore. These workouts are amazing – I can feel myself getting stronger.

I can’t believe it…weighed myself today and down 7 pounds since boot camp started…Ran 30 minutes at 6.2-6.5 on treadmill.

I just put on a pair of skinny jeans that I haven’t worn in years. YEARS. And they fit!! (I realize these are now far out of style but I don’t care! Wearing them anyway!)

How can you make healthy nutritional choices? 

Fuel your body with vitamins every morning!  Did you know that vitamins could reduce stress, boost metabolism and help balance your body (especially if you skip meals or don’t eat a well balanced diet)?  After 8-weeks of IDLife vitamins, I can honestly say that these vitamins have helped me sleep better; wake up with a clear mind, and fill the small nutrient gaps that I do not get from diet alone.  I can go on-and-on about other benefits from taking my vitamins, email me and I'll share my experience with you.

Is this something that you can really do?

I truly believe that any one, (especially you!) can have a healthy holiday season. Remind yourself that it starts with being disciplined to exercise and making healthy nutritional choices.  If you need motivation, reach out to me or mark your calendar for November 29th and join us at The Mom's Marketplace.  The Mom's Marketplace is a group of moms that will have health, fitness, beauty and relaxation gift ideas for everyone on your list, so that you can help them have a healthy holiday season.


Exercise and Proper Nutrition

Our "Team of 3" is on day-7 of our 28-day challenge.  Are you the slightest bit curious about how our transformation is going?  Over the last 7-days, we have lost 5.5 pounds, logged more than 15-hours of exercise, our clothes are fitting better, we have more energy and are following our IDLife 28-Day Challenge calendar.  Week-1 summary: regular exercies and small dietary changes can yield big results.

What are our 28-Day Challenge goals?

1.     Have fun exercising.  Exercise can be a woman’s worse enemy or best friend.  Whether exercise is your foe or friend will largely depend on if you are getting results both mentally and physically.  Exercise releases endorphins, a feel-good hormone.  When you feel good, you are happier!  Exercise also makes you feel strong from a muscular and skeletal perspective.  When you feel happier and your body feels stronger, you are more likely to stay committed to an exercise program.  Our Strongest Mom 30-minute workouts are hard (to help you get results) and fun (to help you start your day with a smile)!

2.     Fuel our bodies with IDLife vitamins, supplements and hydration.  Why is hydration so important?  Your calorie burning muscles slow down dramatically when your body does not have adequate amounts of water.  Over 70% of your muscle consists of water, so when they are not fully hydrated, their ability to generate energy is severely inhibited and you burn fewer calories.  When your body is properly hydrated and gets replenished pre/post workouts, you get better results!

How is this 28-Day Challenge going to help us reach our goals?

1.     Individualized workouts!  Each boot camp workout is individualized.  Moms trust me to put together a workout that will target a mom's "trouble areas" and will help them reach their goals.  Each workout is individually created and designed.  These workouts incorporate big muscle movements, compound exercises, and include cardio intervals to help burn more calories. 

2.     Personalized nutrition! IDLife is the world’s first ever fully customized vitamin program designed to provide you with the exact nutrients you need.  If you want to learn more about personalized nutrition, start by taking your free health assessment at justbreathe.idlife.com or email Sarah @ sarahcamiolo@gmail.com.  Personalized nutrition is easy to incorporate into a the life of a busy mom and has definitely made a positive impact in helping us reach our goals.


We are super excited to continue on this journey for the next 3-weeks.  Stay tuned for more updates, or come and join us at Curtis Park on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30-9 AM.



The Importance Of Cross Training

30-minute boot camp is back! Are you ready to change up your workout routine and break through fitness plateaus? I am! I've missed the camaraderie and workouts with our moms and dads and can't wait to start training again. The class is a cross training workout with an emphasis on proper form, having fun and working up a great sweat. No experience is necessary, so register now and join me on Mondays and Wednesdays, April 4th-27th at 8:30 am on the Curtis Park Playground. 

Why should you cross train? Cross training is an important component of exercise. Cross training uses several different exercise disciplines like plyometric exercises, interval training and strength training. Experts, athletes and fitness enthusiasts will tell you that cross training routines have benefits that go beyond physical conditioning. Like most things, if you do not challenge yourself (in this case with your exercise routine), it will be difficult to change the way you look and feel.

Cross training boosts your metabolism
Getting your body out of it’s normal routine will instruct your muscles that they need to work differently and work harder. As a result, you stimulate muscle growth. A muscle cell burns more calories than fat cells and increases your metabolic rate, even when you are sleeping and can help you achieve a chiseled physique.

Cross training trains your brain
When you walk or run, do you think about it? When you get into a downward dog pose, do you perform without instruction? When you do a pushup, lunge, squat and burpee, do you think about how to perform those exercises? Probably. Cross training engages brain function that improves brain activity and thinking skills.

Cross training minimizes overuse injury
Do you know a runner with knee problems? Or a yogini with shoulder injuries? How about a tennis player with an injured Achilles? When you are specific to one form of exercise, you are more likely to suffer an injury. Cross training encompasses flexibility, cardio vascular and strength training, agility and over all body conditioning, which can reduce the risk of injury.

By combining cross training and good nutrition, you can achieve your goals, physically and mentally. 

If you aren't able to join us for our 30-minute boot camp, give this cross training workout a try and get your adrenaline pumping. Perform these exercises three times with little rest in between sets.

30 Jumping Jacks
15 Push-ups
60-Seconds of Wall Squat
10 Pull-ups
45-Seconds of Step-ups
20 Plank with High Side Knee
30-Seconds of Fast Running

Need more of a challenge? Order our 30-minute fitness videos and become the strongest version of you!

You are an amazing mom and I want to hep you succeed in reaching your fitness goals. Start today and see your life change!


Childhood Obesity And Weight Loss

Are children really at risk for becoming overweight and obese? The Centers For Disease Control and Protection (CDC) have some eye opening facts. According to the CDC:

•       Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years.

•       The percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to nearly 21% over the same period.

•       In 2012, more than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese.

Recently, our family had a conversation about weight loss. Our 7-year old is conditioning for the Texas USA Wrestling State Tournament on Feb. 27-28. At his last tournament, he weighed 57.5 pounds and competed in the 61-pound weight class. He was at a huge disadvantage and asked the question, “Mama, what do I need to do if I want to compete in the 56-pound weight class?”

So I asked him a lot of questions about why he wants to compete at that weight class and helped him think through an exercise and nutrition plan to help him achieve his goal. This conversation is not only an individual goal, it is a family affair and as a family, we will support Nico to reach his goal.

What is Nico’s purpose? Nico wants to wrestle kids who are closer to his actual weight.

What is Nico’s plan? Here are three pillars to help Nico achieve his weight goal.

1. Exercise More.
In addition to his after school activities, Nico and I run 1-mile before school three days/week. This early morning routine kick starts his metabolism and helps him go to school focused and prepared for the day.

2. Eating Parameters.
Nico will reduce his treats after dinner to every other night. With the exception of two evenings, he will finish eating by 7pm, have reduced portions of simple carbohydrates like pasta and potatoes and will eat well-balanced meals. Eating well-balanced meals will lead to less snacking throughout the day. Snacks will be measured out for portion control and responsible eating.

3. Reduce Sugar.
When the kids looked in the refrigerator, they noticed a new brand of yogurt and they asked, “Mama, why did you switch brands?” I explained to them that after comparing the two yogurts, this brand has 4-5 grams of less sugar. The majority of kids (and adults!) consume too much added sugar. This means sugar found in fruit juices, sodas, and processed foods, not natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables.

This plan isn’t just about a State Wrestling Tournament, it is teaching our children life lessons. If we, as parents, aren’t around to have these conversations with our children, whom will they turn to and how will they learn the right way to approach weight loss? Make exercise and nutrition a family affair and together, let's build a strong family.


Getting The Most Out Of Your Workout

Most people know what you need to do when it comes to exercising. But after reading this, maybe you can implement some simple steps and tools to help you get the most out of your next workout.

Your workout should have a purpose and a plan.

You need a purpose so that workouts are individualized to your personal needs. Identifying your needs will help you be consistent and stay motivated to exercise. Here are some needs that maybe you can identify with the next time you workout: 

  • I feel strong.           
  • I think clearly.           
  • I have more energy.

The benefit to having a workout plan is to achieve results specific to you. By identifying your personal goals, you will be more likely to stay motivated to exercise and get the most out of your workout. Do any of these goals resonate with you?

  • Lose 3 pounds.
  • Touch my toes.
  • Tone my muscles.

Variety is the key to success.

People are creatures of habit. You find something you like, it becomes habitual, and you stay the course. Even though exercising is really, really good for you, you might be limiting your potential to get the most out of your workout by doing the same workout. Do you get on the treadmill and run at the same speed, take the same spin class and go to the same Pilates or yoga instructor? If so, change your routine. You should not repeat the same workout. Variety reduces boredom, challenges your brain, builds new muscles, reduces injuries, and can help you break through weight loss (or gain) plateaus.  

Practical tips.

Elevate your heart rate. If you are not elevating your heart rate at least 4 times a week, you are missing an opportunity to get the most out of your workout. When you elevate your heart rate, your heart pumps more blood and works harder. Over time, your heart will become more efficient and will not have to work as hard to pump the same amount of blood. Your heart is like any other muscle in your body. It needs to be taxed, given an opportunity to rest and recover so that it can grow stronger.

Have sensible eating habits. The best way to get the most out of your workouts is to eat well. In my opinion, I believe the diet/workout relationship is 70% diet and 30% exercise. Your diet is significantly more important than your workout. If you make the time to workout, make the time to eat right. Every time you eat or drink something, think about writing it on a post-it note and attaching it to your sleeve. Walk around bragging about what you consume versus hiding the truth about your diet. 

Feel the muscle burn. If you do not have a strength training workout routine, get one. If you are not feeling the burn when you do weight bearing exercises, increase your weight, check your form or do more repetitions. When you feel the burn, your muscle is working to it’s potential. Muscles will get stronger in the rest and recovery period and help you achieve a sculpted physique. 

Get it done! Every week, look at your calendar and schedule your workout. Life will get in the way and keep you from reaching your potential if you do not make an appointment to workout.

Getting the most out of your workout begins with you. Identify your purpose and plan, change up your workout routine and use these practical tips to help you become the strongest you can be, mentally and physically.

Get Motivated to Exercise

Happy New Year!! Hopefully 2016 is off to a terrific start. Maybe the last couple of weeks have been filled with family visits, traveling or overindulgence. Maybe you are doing everything you can to keep your head above water. Regardless of how 2016 has started, get motivated to exercise and make this year your best yet!

Sometimes it’s hard to get motivated. Over the last three weeks, I have been completely unmotivated to exercise. Prior to Thursday, I didn’t workout in 22 days. Why? Maybe my body needed a break; maybe my mind needed a break. Regardless of the reason, it happened and I don’t feel guilty. But this week I decided it’s time to get back on track. I’ve picked my peak and started my trek. Have you?

What motivates someone to do something?

I believe the following motivates you:

1. Pleasure. Things that make you feel good will motivate you. Exercise makes you feel good about yourself and how you perceive yourself. So get out and exercise. You deserve to experience pleasure in your world.

2. Pain. Some are driven by pain. If something hurts, you want it to stop. To make the pain go away, you need to do choose a different course. Garner Ted Armstrong once said, “The rewards for those who persevere far exceed the pain that must precede the victory.” Your rewards are waiting for you. Are you for the pain go away?

How can you get motivated to exercise?

Use these simple tools to get you motivated:

1. Start small. Lose 1-2 pounds this week. Get your heart rate up for 30-45 minutes 2-3 times this week. Eat well one meal at a time. Once your small trek becomes habitual, make your trek more challenging and set your sights on your next peak. 

2. Pay for it. When you use your hard earned money and pay for a service, you are more likely to keep a commitment. Whether it’s a gym membership, personal trainer or fitness package, use it to motivate you. 

3. Important events. Do you have a family wedding, want to get pregnant, are currently pregnant, or have an upcoming class reunion that means a lot to you? Put the event on your calendar, start the countdown and get motivated to look and feel your best.

Your trek can begin today. Pick you peak, start your trek and reach your summit. Enjoy the pleasure (and muscle pain) that you experience so that you can proclaim victory at the top.

Still need motivation to exercise? Use coupon code TREK16 and save 25% on the purchase of our 30-minute fitness videos. 


Proper Form in Exercising and Parenting

As parents, the majority of our responsibility is to teach our children. Manners are expected, but can be inconsistent. Fostering independence requires patience, and matures over time. Healthy living is a lifestyle, not a magical transformation. Despite frustration or setbacks, you try and demonstrate doing life well as consistently as possible. Since you want your children to learn well as they go through life, why do you not do the same for yourself, especially when it comes to exercising?

As a former certified personal trainer, teaching clients the right way to exercise was a priority. Many people do not use proper form and form really matters! Use proper form and see the transformation take place.

What is proper form?
Proper form is performing an exercise correctly. It is positioning your body properly, using a range of motion specific to the exercise, and having the correct amount of resistance to create tension for the muscle(s) being exercised.

Why is proper form important?
Proper form helps you establish a fitness foundation. Proper form is an instrumental component to the overall success of any workout program.

Great form gives you great results. When an exercise is performed with proper form, you can actually feel the muscle at work, increased blood flow delivers more oxygen­‐rich blood to the muscle(s) at work, and you build muscle. That muscle then goes to work to burn body fat, even when you are resting.

Proper form minimizes injuries. When exercises are performed with proper form, you condition/train muscles that act as secondary joint stabilizers. And proper form can help reduce your risk of overuse injuries. Of course, you should always check with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

Remember to listen to your body. If you feel any discomfort, or unnecessary pain specific to the exercise movement, stop immediately, check your form, and make any necessary adjustments, including reducing the weight or modifying the movement to make it easier for you.

How do I perform exercises with proper form?
Find a good instructor or instructional video so you understand the proper mechanics and get the greatest benefit from the time and money you invest.

Focus on the specific muscle the exercise targets. If you are unsure, research what muscle should be engaged while performing the exercise. Then, as you perform the exercise, think about that muscle, and feel the muscle engage without unnatural stress/tension/pain.

Proper form is about quality, not quantity. Quality training will positively influence your progress. Your goal is to perform as many repetitions as possible with good form, and the last 2­‐3 repetitions should be challenging, but not impossible. Your repetitions should not cause you to break proper form.

Maybe after reading this, you cut and paste proper form when exercising to parenting. These tips can be used not only in the gym, but everyday in life, to help you become the strongest mom.


Burn More Calories

Exercise has many benefits. Along with improving your overall health, exercise increases bone density, boosts your mood, memory and your learning. But for some, that’s not enough. You want results and you want them fast.  So, if you’re not getting the best results from your workout, start incorporating some (or all) of these tips into your workout routine and get the results you want!

1.     Incorporate muscle-building exercises. Muscle cells works harder than fat cells and burn more calories. Muscle cells are dense (compact), and take up less space than fat cells, which can shave off inches from your waistline, hips and other areas. Did you know that regular weight training could boost your metabolism by 15%? That means that your body will burn more calories, even when you are at rest. What types of weight bearing exercises should you do? Think about traditional calisthenics like squats, lunges, burpees and pushups. Remember, too much cardio vascular exercises can actually shrink the size of your muscles.

2.     Exercise in your target heart rate zone. Most people do not exercise at the right intensity level. The greater the exertion, the greater amount of calories you burn. Use this formula to calculate your target heart rate zones. 1.) Find your resting heart rate (RHR). 2.) Take 220 (maximum heart rate) – your age – RHR. 3.) Multiply by the % of intensity you want: fat burning zone is 60-75% and aerobic/cardio zone is 75-85%. 4.) Add back in your RHR and you have your zone. If you're not breathing hard, you're not working out hard enough. If you can read a magazine, newspaper or check email during your workout, you are not burning the calories that you could be.

3.     Keep your workouts less than 60 minutes. After 60-minutes of exercise, your body releases cortisol, a hormone that prevents tissue growth and decreases muscle mass. An increase in cortisol can also lead to an increase in abdominal fat. Train your body to work smarter, not longer. Have a workout routine that incorporates strength training, cardio vascular training, balance, flexibility and core conditioning. The next time you go to the gym, be efficient, stop the chitchat and get on with your busy day.

To burn more calories during your workout, incorporate muscle-building exercises, increase your intensity and keep your workouts to less than 60-minutes.


Avoid Weight Gain This Thanksgiving

The majority of Americans will be sitting around watching football and feasting on turkey, gravy, stuffing, sides, pecan and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. So how can you avoid gaining weight this Thanksgiving?

1.     Fill up on fibrous vegetables and lean protein first. Foods high in fiber tend to fill you up, so you’re less likely to overeat and stay satisfied longer. High-fiber vegetables like peas, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, yams and green beans are high fiber vegetables. When it comes to dark or white meat, which will you choose? Both dark and white meat have about the same caloric and fat content, with dark meat having more vitamins. Bottom line, you can’t go wrong with either one.

2.     Substitute and reduce when you can. Many Thanksgiving recipes call for excessive amounts of heavy cream, sugar and butter. This year, try and substitute coconut milk for heavy cream and apple juice for sugar. Think about reducing the amount of butter you put into your sides. Did you know that sugar releases dopamine in your brain, making it highly addictive, and one tablespoon of butter has 102 calories and 12 grams of fat?

3.     Don’t show up to the dinner table on an empty stomach. The aromas in a kitchen on Thanksgiving are heavenly. This once-a-year meal makes it so inviting to come to the dinner table on an empty stomach so that you can get the most out of the meal. But, remember the hungrier you are, the more likely you will overeat when you sit down. Blood sugar levels drop significantly when your stomach is empty, and might tempt you to grab less healthy foods. Fuel up throughout the day and portion control when you eat your Thanksgiving dinner.

4.     Exercise before tryptophan sets in. Thanksgiving is a gluttonous holiday. As busy as you are, try and schedule time to exercise. When the bird is in the oven, get out and exercise. On Thanksgiving morning, our family, along with 40,000 of our closest friends, will be running 8-miles in the Dallas Turkey Trot. If that’s not your style, create your own version of the Turkey Trot or get a Turkey Bowl game going. Burn some calories before you consume them later on.

Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for our health, bounty and blessings from the preceding year. Wouldn’t it be great to include weight management on this list to be thankful for? Eat your fiber and protein, substitute and reduce when you can, fuel your body throughout the day and get in your exercise. A brisk one-hour walk for a 150-pound person can burn 340 calories. 

Strongest Mom


New Year's Resolution #2 Lowering Blood Pressure

Do you know someone that has been diagnosed with high blood pressure? If so, the treatment usually involves two paths: either start taking medication to lower your blood pressure, or make some lifestyle changes.

What makes your blood pressure go up? Maybe it’s weight gain, inconsistent exercise regiment, work, finances, family, traffic, Holidays, being late or waiting in the check out aisle causes your blood pressure to rise. 

Want to know what makes my blood pressure go up?

1. Sleep deprivation. Getting at least 6 hours of sleep helps regulate stress hormones and may help lower blood pressure. Without adequate sleep, stress hormones are elevated and cause inflammation, negatively affecting your cardio vascular system. Make a conscious effort to get enough sleep. Whatever is on your plate, or needs to get done should not replace the importance of getting adequate sleep. Keep a pad of paper on your nightstand or type your to-do list on your Notes app before you go to sleep. By clearing your mind of what needs to get done, you can get sleep better, wake up rested and ready to tackle your to-do list and start your day being productive!

2. Traffic. Roads are overcrowded, angry drivers are behind the wheel and in a hurry, and every road seems to be under construction. The Holidays make this season even busier and more frustrating. Try and leave 5-10 minutes earlier for your appointment, drop off and pick up, or next outing. You might arrive a few minutes early, but your blood pressure won’t escalate and you’ll arrive in a calm and peaceful state.

3. Family visits. Am I the only one whose blood pressure rises when family visits? As a type A-person and perfectionist, it’s hard to let go and let God lead the way. What I am discovering is that more often than not, when I relinquish my control over the situation, the outcome is better than I could have imagined. Letting go humbles me and reminds me to ask a lot of questions, listen with two ears and be thankful when others want to help. Embrace family and welcome them with the gift of hospitality. This attitude of gratitude keeps my blood pressure from rising and creates memories of a lifetime.

4. Excessive salt or sugar consumption. After a family wedding, I was starving and devoured The Western burger and french fries with chili and jalapeños from Twisted Root at 11:50 pm. Unlike this binge meal, I try to not consume excessive amounts of salt or sugar. Excessive sugar causes your insulin levels to rise, which raises your blood pressure. Excessive salt causes your body to retain water and elevate your blood pressure. If you happen to overindulge, get back on track by eating well and exercising often. By changing the way you eat and exercise, you can lower your blood pressure.

It is reassuring to know that making changes to your lifestyle can lower your blood pressure and avoid being medicated. The perfect remedy to lower your blood pressure is to be disciplined to eating well, exercise regularly and manage life related stresses as best you can!

As you turn the page towards a New Year, make a conscious effort to recognize blood pressure triggers, be proactive and make healthy living your New Year’s Resolution.

Did you know the pomegranate fruit benefits the heart and blood vessels? The compound punicalagin is found in pomegranate and is responsible for pomegranate’s anti-oxidants and health benefits like lowering blood pressure and reducing heart blockage.

Next week, the topic is taking a sabbatical. What do you need to do less of as you head into 2016?