Exercise and Proper Nutrition

Our "Team of 3" is on day-7 of our 28-day challenge.  Are you the slightest bit curious about how our transformation is going?  Over the last 7-days, we have lost 5.5 pounds, logged more than 15-hours of exercise, our clothes are fitting better, we have more energy and are following our IDLife 28-Day Challenge calendar.  Week-1 summary: regular exercies and small dietary changes can yield big results.

What are our 28-Day Challenge goals?

1.     Have fun exercising.  Exercise can be a woman’s worse enemy or best friend.  Whether exercise is your foe or friend will largely depend on if you are getting results both mentally and physically.  Exercise releases endorphins, a feel-good hormone.  When you feel good, you are happier!  Exercise also makes you feel strong from a muscular and skeletal perspective.  When you feel happier and your body feels stronger, you are more likely to stay committed to an exercise program.  Our Strongest Mom 30-minute workouts are hard (to help you get results) and fun (to help you start your day with a smile)!

2.     Fuel our bodies with IDLife vitamins, supplements and hydration.  Why is hydration so important?  Your calorie burning muscles slow down dramatically when your body does not have adequate amounts of water.  Over 70% of your muscle consists of water, so when they are not fully hydrated, their ability to generate energy is severely inhibited and you burn fewer calories.  When your body is properly hydrated and gets replenished pre/post workouts, you get better results!

How is this 28-Day Challenge going to help us reach our goals?

1.     Individualized workouts!  Each boot camp workout is individualized.  Moms trust me to put together a workout that will target a mom's "trouble areas" and will help them reach their goals.  Each workout is individually created and designed.  These workouts incorporate big muscle movements, compound exercises, and include cardio intervals to help burn more calories. 

2.     Personalized nutrition! IDLife is the world’s first ever fully customized vitamin program designed to provide you with the exact nutrients you need.  If you want to learn more about personalized nutrition, start by taking your free health assessment at justbreathe.idlife.com or email Sarah @ sarahcamiolo@gmail.com.  Personalized nutrition is easy to incorporate into a the life of a busy mom and has definitely made a positive impact in helping us reach our goals.


We are super excited to continue on this journey for the next 3-weeks.  Stay tuned for more updates, or come and join us at Curtis Park on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30-9 AM.

