
Entertaining Kids

The next time you find yourself chauffeuring your kids around town, consider taking along age appropriate activities to keep them entertained between pit stops. Our toddler’s favorite activity is a lunch box filled with trucks, cars, motorcycles and choppers. This age appropriate activity promotes language development, creative play, counting and sharing (with siblings and other children). The lunch box is portable and keeps all his belongings in one place. As a mom of four, one of my pet peeves is finding random things in the car, bathroom, closet and countertop. A little planning and preparation helps moms stay ahead of the game and keep kids occupied!

High Performance Kids Are Accountable

High Performance Kids Are Accountable

Raising kids is hard work! Helping our kids be high performing in anything they do takes effort and begins with teaching them to be accountable. As Theodore Roosevelt once said, "If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.”